My problem is I don't know how i set StompSubProtocolHandler at XML
I try and know normal websocket set
<websocket:handlers allowed-origins="*">
<websocket:mapping path="/" handler="raphaServerHandler"/>
But I need to know setting StompSubProtocolHandler at XML!
It is done automatically by the:
<websocket:message-broker application-destination-prefix="/app">
<websocket:stomp-endpoint path="/foo" />
<websocket:simple-broker prefix="/topic" />
Configures broker-backed messaging over WebSocket using a higher-level messaging sub-protocol.
Registers a SimpleUrlHandlerMapping and maps paths to registered Controllers.
A StompSubProtocolHandler is registered to handle various versions of the STOMP protocol.
See EnableWebSocketMessageBroker javadoc for information on code-based alternatives to enabling broker-backed messaging.