I am working on spring-xd framework. I am following Spring-XD guide Analytic tab and want to deploy my prediction model for live streaming data.
I have built the iris classification model using naive-Bayes in R and store that pmml file at my desktop in Ubuntu-14.0.4 Lts. this is my stream definition-
stream create test --definition "mqtt --url='tcp://localhost:1883' --topics='irisPayload'| analytic-pmml --location='/home/andy/Desktop/iris-flower-naive-bayes.pmml.xml' --inputFieldMapping='sepalLength:Sepal.Length,sepalWidth:Sepal.Width,petalLength:Petal.Length,petalWidth:Petal.Width'--outputFieldMapping='Predicted_Species:predictedSpecies' | file" --deploy
Error:- Analytic and processor module is not found.
I Think my stream definition is wrong. as I am unable to found stream definition for such a case in spring-xd guide.
I am running spring-xd in single-node at my local machine. Instead of Http, I want to send my data using MQTT Pub-Sub protocol. my MQTT broker is up and running, any sort of help is appreciated. thanks a lot.
IIRC, it's not distributed with XD out of the box because of licensing issues.
You can find it on github here and build/install it yourself.