I have the Data in Fig1 and need to transpose the Columns to Rows as in Fig2 ( Required Result).
This will be for multiple years and periods
select Division, Period, 'Total Cost' as Description, TotalCost as Value
from MyTable
select Division, Period, 'Discount' as Description, Discount as Value
from MyTable
select Division, Period, 'Net Sales' as Description, NetSales as Value
from MyTable
select Division, Period, 'Net Returns' as Description, NetReturns as Value
from MyTable
select Division, Period, 'Gross Sales' as Description, GrossSales as Value
from MyTable
select Division, Period, 'Gross Returns' as Description, GrossReturns as Value
from MyTable
You can also wrap this in a view, then do a select on the view with whatever ordering or filtering that you need