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phpUnit testing with ZF2 Paginator

I'm coding a phpUnit test and got this fail:

Failed asserting response code "200", actual status code is "500"

To get a bit more information when something goes wrong in a test case, I set the protected $traceError member to true. And then got this error:

Argument 1 passed to Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Pagination\Paginator::cloneQuery() must be an instance of Doctrine\ORM\Query, array given, called in /uov-videos/www/david/plataovirtual/vendor/doctrine/orm/lib/Doctrine/ORM/Tools/Pagination/Paginator.php on line 239 and defined

This is happening because my query returns an Paginator object and my test is expecting an array. How do I instantiate a mocked Paginator to use it in my test?

phpUnit function code:

public function testListaDisciplinas()
    // simulate the repository to not affect the db
    $disciplinaRepository = $this->getMock('Domain\Model\Disciplina\DisciplinaRepository');


    $serviceManager = $this->getApplicationServiceLocator();
    $serviceManager->setService('DisciplinaRepository', $disciplinaRepository);

    // Route to getList() above
    $result = $this->dispatch('/uov/professor/disciplinas');

Inside my Controller:

public function getList()
    $usuario = $this->getSessaoUsuario();

    $professor = $this->professorRepository()->getByUsuario($usuario);

    $disciplinas = $this->disciplinaRepository()->getByProfessorTutor($professor);

    $adapter = new DoctrinePaginator($disciplinas);
    $paginator = new Paginator($adapter);

    $view = new ViewModel(array(
        'disciplinas' => $paginator,

    $request = $this->getRequest();


    return $view;

Function inside my repository:

public function getByProfessorTutor(Professor $professor)
    $query = $this->em->createQueryBuilder();

          ->from($this->class, 'd')
          ->leftJoin('Domain\Model\Turma\Turma', 't', 'WITH', 't.disciplina = d')
          ->leftJoin('Domain\Model\Professor\ProfessorTurma', 'pt', 'WITH', 'pt.turma =')
          ->where('(t.professor = :professor OR pt.professor = :professor)')
          ->setParameter('professor', $professor);

    return new Paginator($query, $fetchJoinCollection = false);


  • I managed to solve this problem. Here it goes the code, how to simulate a Doctrine Paginator object.

    public function testListaDisciplinas()
        // simulate the repository to not modify the db
        $disciplinaRepository = $this->getMock('Domain\Model\Disciplina\DisciplinaRepository');
        $em = $this->getApplicationServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager');
        $query = $em->createQueryBuilder();
              ->from('Domain\Model\Disciplina\Disciplina', 'd')
                             ->willReturn(new Paginator($query, $fetchJoinCollection = false));
        $serviceManager = $this->getApplicationServiceLocator();
        $serviceManager->setService('DisciplinaRepository', $disciplinaRepository);
        $result = $this->dispatch('/uov/professor/disciplinas');