I'm trying to write a bash script to reproduce a failing test.
The original command was (say we are testing echo)
echo aa @p{0,1}=port bb
which prints:
aa @p0=port @p1=port bb
I've got the arguments in a variable
TESTCASE='aa @p{0,1}=port bb'
so I build the command line
CMD='echo '${TESTCASE}
and then execute it
and I get:
aa @p{0,1}=port bb
i.e. the curly braces don't expand like they would on the command line
What is going on and how do I fix it?
from comments by Aserre and glenn jackman, combined:
Brace expansions happen before variable substitution: see gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#Shell-Expansions
eval $CMD
will get you what you want