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Cordova plugin error using custom framework in iOS

I'm trying to add custom iOS framework to my cordova plugin. I copy the framework inside plugin directory and then add framework declaration to plugin.xml like this:

<framework src="src/ios/framework/iPhoneOS/SpeechSDK.framework" custom="true" arch="arm"/>

When I try to install plugin using either plugman or cordova plugin add I have an error:

Error: Uh oh! Framework "%some_path%/tst_bing/platforms/ios/HelloCordova/Plugins/cordova-plugin-bing-speech/SpeechSDK.framework" for plugin cordova-plugin-bing-speech already exists in iOS platform

As I understand this is a bug in cordova, but I'm not sure - maybe I'm doing something wrong?


  • I didn't notice that arch attribute is Windows-only. But notice that it should be used with target-dir attribute.