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How to get the original PID of a TCP connection in Windows using GetExtendedTcpTable?

I am trying to get the PID of the process making local connections to a local http server from inside the server. eg: Chrome-> HTTPREQ -> httpServer:8080. So from the httpServer I can know which process is making the connection, in this case Chrome.

I can query all the tcp connections using GetExtendedTcpTable with TCP_TABLE_OWNER_MODULE_ALL and then check each row and use row->dwOwningPid

8080 == ntohs(row->dwRemotePort) &&
row->dwLocalAddr == inet_addr("") && 
row->dwRemoteAddr == inet_addr("")

The problem seems to be that because I have an AV installed that is intercepting my traffic I am getting the PID of the AV not the original app that started the connection.

chrome -> av wfp -> httpserver

Without adding exclusions to the AV, is there a way I can retrieve the PID of the original process that started the request, not a forwarder like an AV network filter?

Thanks in advance.


  • Answering my own question:

    Chrome -> AV -> WFP

    If AV (Xport) -> (Yport)WFP


    Chrome (Xport -1) -> WFP.

    That worked for me.