I would like to use the zabbix _maintenance
But I want to send the host_groups
as an extra var so I can put multiple host groups in maintenance.
The problem I faced is that the host_group
needs a list of items and I can't understand how to write the role so it will run over a list given to it by the extra var
I tried :
- name: maintenance
name: Pause
- "{{ item }}"
- { 'zabbix_hosts_groups' }
state: "{{ zabbix_state }}"
server_url: http://zabbix.XXX.com
login_user: YYY
login_password: XXX
minutes: 90
desc: "Paused-for-dep"
and running it:
ansible-playbook -i 'localhost,' --connection=local zabbix-maintenance.yml -e '{"zabbix_hosts_groups":"Test1","Test2"}' -e 'zabbix_state=present
Syntactically correct task definition would be:
- name: maintenance
name: Pause
host_groups: "{{ zabbix_hosts_groups }}"
state: "{{ zabbix_state }}"
server_url: http://zabbix.XXX.com
login_user: YYY
login_password: XXX
minutes: 90
desc: "Paused-for-dep"
I don't understand the problem description though. "Jenkins"??? "How to write the role"??? Please at least learn the vocabulary required to ask a question.