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How to convert Quickoboks online api report object into xml file?

With the help of C# SDK of Intuit Quickbooks online I am getting the response of api call for PNL report. But I want to save this response in xml file.

I Currently data SerializationFormat is Json. I tried to change json to Xml but it gives the errors.

private  void GetReportAndPrintToConsole(ServiceContext qboServiceContext, String reportName, String startDate, String endDate)

            //JSON required for QBO Reports API
            qboServiceContext.IppConfiguration.Message.Request.SerializationFormat = Intuit.Ipp.Core.Configuration.SerializationFormat.Json; qboServiceContext.IppConfiguration.Message.Response.SerializationFormat = Intuit.Ipp.Core.Configuration.SerializationFormat.Json;

            //Instantiate ReportService
            ReportService reportsService = new ReportService(qboServiceContext);

            //Set properties for Report
            reportsService.start_date = startDate;
            reportsService.end_date = endDate;

            //Execute Report API call
            Intuit.Ipp.Data.Report report = reportsService.ExecuteReport(reportName);



  • So I wanted to save the Profit and Loss report in XML format but I was getting Report object from the api so I have to write the code manually to get the XML.

    Here is the code snippet that can be used by anyone to convert Report object into XML string.

    After this line

    Intuit.Ipp.Data.Report report = reportsService.ExecuteReport(reportName);

    Call function like this

    string xmlstring = getReportInXML(report);

    Or directly copy paste from here

    #region Get XML From Report object 
    =            Get XML From Report object            =
    private string getReportInXML(Report report)
        string strreport = "";
        strreport += "<Report xmlns=\"\">";
        strreport += getReportHeader(report.Header);
        strreport += getReportColumns(report.Columns);
        strreport += getRows(report.Rows);
        strreport += "</Report>";
        return strreport;
    private string getReportHeader(ReportHeader header)
        string strheader = "";
        strheader += "<Header>";
        strheader += "<Time>" + String.Format("{0:yyyy-MM-ddTH:mm:sszzz}", header.Time) + "</Time>";
        strheader += "<ReportName>" + header.ReportName + "</ReportName>";
        strheader += "<DateMacro>" + header.DateMacro + "</DateMacro>";
        strheader += "<ReportBasis>" + header.ReportBasis + "</ReportBasis>";
        strheader += "<StartPeriod>" + header.StartPeriod + "</StartPeriod>";
        strheader += "<EndPeriod>" + header.EndPeriod + "</EndPeriod>";
        strheader += "<SummarizeColumnsBy>" + header.SummarizeColumnsBy + "</SummarizeColumnsBy>";
        strheader += "<Currency>" + header.Currency + "</Currency>";
        foreach (var option in header.Option)
            strheader += "<Option>";
            strheader += "<Name>" + option.Name + "</Name>";
            strheader += "<Value>" + option.Value + "</Value>";
            strheader += "</Option>";
        strheader += "</Header>";
        return strheader;
    private string getReportColumns(Column[] columns)
        string strcolumn = "";
        strcolumn += "<Columns>";
        foreach (Column column in columns)
            strcolumn += "<Column>";
            strcolumn += " <ColTitle>" + Convert.ToString(column.ColTitle) + "</ColTitle>";
            strcolumn += " <ColType>" + column.ColType + "</ColType>";
            foreach (var meta in column.MetaData)
                strcolumn += "<MetaData>";
                strcolumn += "<Name>" + meta.Name + "</Name>";
                strcolumn += "<Value>" + meta.Value + "</Value>";
                strcolumn += "</MetaData>";
            strcolumn += "</Column>";
        strcolumn += "</Columns>";
        return strcolumn;
    private string getRows(Row[] rows)
        string strrows = "";
        strrows += " <Rows>";
        foreach (Row row in rows)
            if (row.type.ToString() == "Section")                    ///It contains more Rows
                // if type of row is data then call it
                strrows += getRowSection(row);
            else if (row.type.ToString() == "Data")
                //Otherwise call getRowSection
                strrows += getRowData(row);
        strrows += " </Rows>";
        return strrows;
    private string getRowSection(Row row)
        string strrowsection = "";
        strrowsection += " <Row type=\"Section\"";
        if ( != null)
            strrowsection += " group=\"" + + "\"";
        strrowsection += ">";
        string type = row.AnyIntuitObjects[0].GetType().ToString();
        object[] objs = (object[])row.AnyIntuitObjects;
        foreach (var obj in objs)
            string objtype = obj.GetType().ToString();
            switch (objtype)
                case "Intuit.Ipp.Data.Header":
                    Header header = (Header)obj;
                    strrowsection += getHeader(header);
                case "Intuit.Ipp.Data.Rows":
                    Rows rows = (Rows)obj;
                    strrowsection += getRows(rows.Row);
                case "Intuit.Ipp.Data.Summary":
                    Summary summary = (Summary)obj;
                    strrowsection += getSummary(summary);
        strrowsection += " </Row>";
        return strrowsection;
    private string getSummary(Summary summary)
        string strsummary = "";
        strsummary += "<Summary>";
        ColData[] coldata = (ColData[])summary.ColData;
        strsummary += getColData(coldata);
        strsummary += "</Summary>";
        return strsummary;
    private string getRowData(Row row)
        string strrowdata = "";
        strrowdata += " <Row type=\"Data\">";
        ColData[] coldata = (ColData[])row.AnyIntuitObjects[0];
        strrowdata += getColData(coldata);
        strrowdata += "</Row>";
        return strrowdata;
    private string getHeader(Header header)
        string strheader = "";
        strheader += "   <Header>";
        ColData[] coldata = (ColData[])header.ColData;
        strheader += getColData(coldata);
        strheader += "   </Header>";
        return strheader;
    private string getColData(ColData[] coldata)
        string strcoldata = "";
        foreach (ColData col in coldata)
            //Generate the coldata string here.
            string value = col.value;
            value = value.Replace("&", "&amp;");
            strcoldata += "<ColData value=\"" + value + "\"";
            if ( != null)
                strcoldata += " id=\"" + + "\"";
            strcoldata += " /> ";
        return strcoldata;
    /*=====  End of Get XML From Report object  ======*/
    #endregion  End of Get XML From Report object