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batch call matlab and ImageJ in sequential order

I am trying to get matlab and ImageJ work in a for loop in batch files.

The code is something like this

set iterationTimes=4

for /l %%i in (0,1,%iterationTimes%) do (

call matlab -nodesktop -nosplash -r "loop=%%i%%;"%stitchFile%

call %IJPath% -macro %JythonPath% %%arg%%


I specified the variable, the problem is ImageJ need to use the output of the matlab code, yet the batch seems execute ImageJ and Matlab in the same time...

I already used call to make the iteration variable i work, adding another call ahead of the two sentence would not help..

So how can I execute the matlab first and run ImageJ after matlab has finished running?

Thank you!!!!


  • The problem is you need to use matlabs wait option. You do not use cmd.exe's CALL or START /WAIT commands.

    set iterationTimes=4
    for /l %%i in (0,1,%iterationTimes%) do (
    matlab -wait -nodesktop -nosplash -r "loop=%%i;"%stitchFile%
    call %IJPath% -macro %JythonPath% %%arg%%