I have a problem with my program, the program is supposed to ask the user for the drivers times, the user will input the drivers time, and the program is supposed to sort it from fastest to slowest and then display them in the order. But when i try and run the program, the drvers time is sorted but the drivers name have not been sorted.
what the user must input into the program.
Drivers name drivers time
Sebastian Williams 10
Tom Hamilton 6
Danny Ricardo 2
Walter Borras 7
Fernando Sonal 1
Jenson Smith 9
what the program outputs
1 Sebastian Williams
2 Tom Hamilton
6 Danny Ricardo
7 Walter Borras
9 Fernando Sonal
10 Jenson Smith
as you can see, the times have been sorted but the names have not been sorted with the times. how would i be able to fix this?
here is my code.
Public Class Form1
Public Sub cmdStart_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles cmdStart.Click
Dim name
Dim racetime
Dim team
input(Name, raceTime, team)
End Sub
Public Structure raceCar
Public Name() As String
Public raceTime() As Double
Public team() As String
End Structure
Private Sub input(ByRef name(), ByRef raceTime(), ByRef team())
Dim raceCars As raceCar
ReDim raceCars.Name(5)
ReDim raceCars.raceTime(5)
ReDim raceCars.team(5)
Dim filenameInput As String = "G:\grandPrixVB\Input\Input.csv"
Dim textfileInput As New System.IO.StreamReader(filenameInput)
Dim filenameOutput As String = "G:\grandPrixVB\Input\Input2.txt"
Dim textFileOutput As New System.IO.StreamWriter(filenameOutput)
For counter = 0 To 5
raceCars.Name(counter) = textfileInput.ReadLine
raceCars.team(counter) = textfileInput.ReadLine
raceCars.raceTime(counter) = InputBox("Enter the race time for " & raceCars.Name(counter) & ".")
ListBoxUnsorted.Items.Add(raceCars.Name(counter) & " is part of " & raceCars.team(counter) & " got a time of " & raceCars.raceTime(counter) & " seconds.")
textFileOutput.WriteLine(raceCars.Name(counter) & "," & raceCars.raceTime(counter))
Dim i As Integer
ListBoxSorted.Items.Add("Unordered Array")
For i = LBound(raceCars.raceTime) To UBound(raceCars.raceTime)
ListBoxSorted.Items.Add("Ordered Array")
For i = LBound(raceCars.raceTime) To UBound(raceCars.raceTime)
ListBoxSorted.Items.Add(raceCars.raceTime(i) & raceCars.Name(i))
End Sub
Private Sub sortArray(ByRef array() As Double)
Dim i As Double
Dim j As Double
Dim minimum As Double
Dim swapValue As Double
Dim upperBound As Double
Dim lowerBound As Double
lowerBound = LBound(array)
upperBound = UBound(array)
For i = lowerBound To upperBound
minimum = i
For j = i + 1 To upperBound
If array(j) < array(minimum) Then
minimum = j
End If
Next j
If minimum <> i Then
swapValue = array(minimum)
array(minimum) = array(i)
array(i) = swapValue
End If
Next i
End Sub
End Class
thanks in advance
You are only sorting the raceTimes array. You will need to do the same for your other arrays in your raceCar variable, but luckily you can piggy back off of your existing logic:
First you'll need to pass your other arrays in to sortArray method and create "Swap Variables" for each:
Private Sub sortArray(ByRef array() As Double, ByRef names() As String, ByRef teams() as String)
Dim swapName As String
Dim swapTeam As String
Then when you swap your time values you can also swap your names and teams:
If minimum <> i Then
swapValue = array(minimum)
swapName = names(minimum)
swapTeam = teams(minimum)
array(minimum) = array(i)
names(minimum) = names(i)
teams(minimum) = teams(i)
array(i) = swapValue
names(i) = swapName
teams(i) = swapTeam
End If