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SymmetricDS Android demos both register but do not sync

(x-post from SymmetricDS forum)

Do you have a working example of using SymmetricDS 3.8 to sync an Android application with a demo root node? I've worked through both of JumpMind's examples, and both fail with ECONNREFUSED against localhost:31415.

It looks like even though they know how to register with the root node on a different machine, they try to sync with it on localhost instead.

Here's a walkthrough of how to build and (unsuccessfully) run both of the existing samples.

Sample 1:

Jumpmind's original demo from 2012 used the Notepad Application, and many of the steps assume you're running in Eclipse and have their Pro version. There are a few hoops to make it compile in a modern Android Studio with the freeware version of SymmetricDS.

  • in Studio, New Project -> Import from Android/Sdk/samples/android-23/legacy/NotePad
  • do a test compile and run to make sure it works unmodified
  • download and extract sample 2 to get the libs
  • extract the libs into Notepad/app/libs/
  • edit your apps gradle rule, add a compile dependency, thus:

    dependencies { compile fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: '*.jar') }

  • gradle sync
  • paste the recommended code from the tutorial into the second OnCreate in first one is in a static class DatabaseHelper)
  • modify REGISTRATION_URL to point to your root node
  • modify NODE_GROUP_ID appropriately. If you're using the demo server, this should be "store".
  • I used an external ID of "android-003", because that's what's used in sample #2.
  • Don't forget to open registration for your external ID. Something like

    symadmin --properties open-registration store android-003

  • observe the logcat failure

    Building transport url: http://localhost:31415/sync/corp-000/push?nodeId=android-003&securityToken=88b79dcc9617099aec015ae5ed800b&hostName=localhost&ipAddress= Could not communicate with node 'corp:000:000' at http://localhost:31415/sync/corp-000 because of unexpected error org.jumpmind.exception.IoException: failed to connect to localhost/ (port 31415) after 20000ms: isConnected failed: ECONNREFUSED

Sample 2:

Jumpmind's newer sample includes support for file sync, which I don't care about right now. But it's supposed to work against the demo node corp-000 right out of the box. At least for me, it doesn't.

Here's what you have to do:

  • download the source
  • modify REGISTRATION_URL (to use the dev machine's non-localhost IP address)
  • modify the manifest as described in the tutorial
  • attempting to run the app will fail with INSTALL_FAILED_CONFLICTING_PROVIDER, I had to change the provider defined in the manifest to com.jumpmind.syncds3.DbProvider, because there's already an app on the default Android image that uses provider
  • open registration for android-003 on the server / root-node
  • confirm registration by looking in the server's sym_node_security table.
  • Interestingly, there is no initial_load_time in that row, and it shows no sign of syncing.
  • Back in your Android app, observe the same logcat errors attempting to sync against a corp-000 node on localhost.


  • Solved. For anyone coming this way with a similar problem, the problem is twofold.

    1. The client gets its sync url from the server. The demo server specifies a sync-url on localhost.
    2. The (bad) sync URL persists in the sym tables, apparently on both the client and the server.


    If you're running on Linux, feel free to use my scripted demo server. It sets sync-url to the first IP address in the list instead of localhost.


    1. Stop your client and server.
    2. The demo root node is configured with a SYNC URL on localhost in This is the source of your problem. Change it to a meaningful IP address. Use a non-standard port too, to help illustrate the problem -- this will mean adding a --port xxxx to the command you use to run the root node.
    3. Delete and recreate your root node database. I'm not sure what was stale in here, but re-running the server on a new address didn't seem to suffice. There might be another way to refresh this, but starting over is easiest.
    4. Delete your android node database. I used "adb shell rm -rf /data/data/com.jumpmind.*"
    5. Re-run your server and client.