I have a script below that reads path information from a separate table and then uses sp_OAGetProperty to populate the variables and then I insert the data into a table. The script works fine until I get to insert 255 (Which is about row 640 in the lookup table which includes directories as well as files) and then it just loops endlessly putting the row 255 entry in every row in the new table. I am suspecting this is a limitation of something, maybe a sql setting/option, maybe ole related, maybe windows? Please help, here is what I have: Here is the output section I was talking about:
Select * FROM FullDirectoryTree
SET @DirTreeCount = @@ROWCOUNT
SET @Counter = 1
EXEC dbo.sp_OACreate 'Scripting.FileSystemObject', @ObjFileSystem OUT
WHILE @Counter <= @DirTreeCount
SELECT @CurrentName = subdirectory,
@IsFile = Is_File
FROM FullDirectoryTree
WHERE RowNum = @Counter
IF @IsFile = 1 AND @CurrentName LIKE '%%'
EXEC dbo.sp_OAMethod @ObjFileSystem,'GetFile', @ObjFile OUT, @CurrentName
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'Path', @Path OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'ShortPath', @ShortPath OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'Name', @Name OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'ShortName', @ShortName OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'DateCreated', @DateCreated OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'DateLastAccessed', @DateLastAccessed OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'DateLastModified', @DateLastModified OUT
EXEC dbo.sp_OAGetProperty @ObjFile, 'Size', @Size OUT
(Path, ShortPath, Name, ShortName, DateCreated,
DateLastAccessed, DateLastModified, Size)
SELECT @Path,@ShortPath,@Name,@ShortName,@DateCreated,
SELECT @Counter = @Counter + 1
EXEC sp_OADestroy @ObjFileSystem
EXEC sp_OADestroy @ObjFile
sample data:
Rownum Name Path
249 954011.dwg D:\yadayadayada.dwg
250 954012.dwg D:\Data\GS...\954012.dwg
251 954013.dwg D:\Data\GS...\954013.dwg
252 954014-A.dwg D:\Data\GS...\954014-A.dwg
253 954015-A.dwg D:\Data\GS...\954015-A.dwg
254 954016-A.dwg D:\Data\GS...\954016-A.dwg
255 954017-A.dwg D:\Data\GS...\954\954017-A.dwg
256 954017-A.dwg D:\Data\GS...\954\954017-A.dwg
the 954017-A just keeps repeating until I kill the query...I have longer path strings in the returned data and I have almost identical file names above...what am I missing?
I researched a ton more and finally found out that there is a MAX_ODSOLE_OBJECTS setting internally of 255, meaning you cannot call the OA sp's any more times than than 255. I just added the EXEC sp_OADestroy calls at the end of the loop so the OA sp's are only being called at most 9 times per iteration. Works like a charm! Thanks for the CURSOR help Tom!