I have an Installshield project .ism and I want to be able to run it by command line. It's there a possible way to generate a new Product Code by CommadnLine using IsCmdBld.exe
Note: Can't use another build software
Thanks in advance
As @Steve mention you cannot generate new Product Code via command line, but what you can is set new product code with command line. What you need is generate random GUID with a 3rd party application (or use automation) and you may set this new GUID in command line as follow ...
IsCmdBld.exe -z "ProductCode={D1B1C3E2-AA6F-455C-8533-C642EED0512D}"
Yet another thing I would like to mention ... I hope you understand that by replacing product code of your package, it will perform "major" upgrade every time. Is this what you want to do? Usually developers are trying to avoid "major" upgrades of products and do minor upgrades as the products evolve.