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Laravel 5.3 unauthorized() AuthenticationException fatal error

I've followed Laravel 5.3 upgrade guide, which says to add an unauthenticated method in App\Exceptions\Handler.

However, I get the following error when it gets called by the Auth system:

FatalThrowableError in Handler.php line 59: Type error: Argument 2 passed to App\Exceptions\Handler::unauthenticated() must be an instance of App\Exceptions\AuthenticationException, instance of Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException given, called in /Users/Username/Development/ProjectName/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Foundation/Exceptions/Handler.php on line 135

I've been searching for the last half hour and couldn't find a solution.

Any help?


  • Check how your Handler.php file compares to the 5.3 branch version here:

    Note the unauthenticated() method in Handler.php expects an instance of \Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException. Make sure use Illuminate\Auth\AuthenticationException; is included at the top of the file.