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Passing two parameters into shell script

Im very new shell script. Im ran the below sqoop command in shell script and got the result.

sqoop command in shell script

while read table; do
sqoop eval --connect jdbc:mysql:// --username root --password cloudera --query "describe $table"

Input file: tables.txt has just one word: MYTAB And Im gettting result for that.

But how can I write a script to take two parameters from the file when data in tables.txt looks like this: MYDB:MYTAB and I want to pass dbname and table name to my sqoop command in the script which looks like below.

while read table; do
sqoop eval --connect jdbc:mysql://$dbname --username root --password cloudera --query "describe $table"

Can anyone tell me how to extract the values from the file and put them in the file ?


  • Change your read statement after setting the proper field separator IFS to :

    while IFS=":" read -r dbname table; do