public struct MIDIPacketList {
public var numPackets: UInt32
public var packet: (MIDIPacket)
I would like to access an UnsafeMutablePointer of packet, given I have an UnsafeMutablePointer. Merely getting a copy of the original packet member is easy, but not correct: I need the pointer itself. In C, what I would like to achieve is as simple as
MIDIPacket *packet = &packetList->packet;
How do I do the same in Swift? Note that while I think advancing by 4 bytes (size of UInt32) does most likely work as a hack, but it is an incorrect answer because of structure alignment issues.
This should work:
let packetList: UnsafeMutablePointer<MIDIPacketList> = ...
withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &packetList.pointee.packet) {
packet in // UnsafeMutablePointer<(MIDIPacket)>
// ...
Inside the closure, packet
is a pointer to the MIDIPacket