I am using http://valor-software.com/ng2-bootstrap/#/carousel for my project.
I am able to implement it but slide 1 is always active. I am not sure how to remove the active class from slide1.
The only problem is that I am not able to set the active slide value to a particular value. WhenI set the [active] input, I get the slide is set the value for as well as the first slide. I am not able to remove the active class for slide 1.
<carousel *ngIf="planList" (activeSlideChange)="onSlideChange($event)" [interval]="false">
<slide *ngFor="let plan of planList" [active]="plan.active">
<oe-plan-details [planDetailsSummary]="plan"></oe-plan-details>
In this case, I have set plan.active for plan-3 as true. I see both plan-1 and plan-3. That is, 2 carousels
You should use 2 way data binding to set active index
<carousel [(activeSlide)]="activeIndex">
<slide *ngFor="let i of items">
<img [src]="i.image" class="img-responsive" alt="some image">