In a Windows application I need to run another one application that's tetpdflib. That tetpdflib runs in command prompt only. When I drag and drop exe to the command prompt it will execute. Here is my code:
Process tetmlProcess = new Process();
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = true;
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardInput = true;
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Users\sw_chn\Documents\PDFlib\TET 5.0 32-bit\bin";
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Users\sw_chn\Documents\PDFlib\TET 5.0 32-bit\bin\tet.exe";
string args1 = @"tet -m wordplus D:\DailyWork\March\JOURNAL-ISSUE_6_3924-3930.pdf";
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = args1;
StreamReader news = tetmlProcess.StandardError;
string err = news.ReadToEnd();
I had following error:
could not open PDF file 'tet' for reading
How to recover from this?
Your Start Arguments
contains the Program Name again which leads to this error.
Simply change your code
Process tetmlProcess = new Process();
// ...
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.WorkingDirectory = @"C:\Users\sw_chn\Documents\PDFlib\TET 5.0 32-bit\bin";
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.FileName = @"C:\Users\sw_chn\Documents\PDFlib\TET 5.0 32-bit\bin\tet.exe";
// removing "tet" in Arguments
string args1 = @"-m wordplus D:\DailyWork\March\JOURNAL-ISSUE_6_3924-3930.pdf";
tetmlProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = args1;
// ...
The manual contains example like this
tet --format utf16 --outfile file.utf16 file.pdf
Here is tet
mapped as environment variable in the system and stands for the full path of the application.