I am trying to run a basic R script from SQL Server through a stored procedure. I am returning a dataset and also want to return/output a variable, but am not able to do that.
Below is the stored procedure I have
DROP PROC IF EXISTS get_iris_dataset;
CREATE PROC get_iris_dataset
declare @OutName float
EXEC sp_execute_external_script
@language = N'R'
, @script = N'
iris_data <- iris
out = 5.1;'
, @input_data_1 = N''
, @output_data_1_name = N'iris_data'
,@params= N'@out float OUTPUT'
,@out = @OutName OUTPUT
WITH RESULT SETS (("Sepal.Length" float not null,
"Sepal.Width" float not null,
"Petal.Length" float not null,
"Petal.Width" float not null, "Species" varchar(100)));
return 0
I am calling the procedure as below:
declare @OutputVar float
exec @OutputVar = get_iris_dataset
print @OutputVar
It does output the dataset, but I am not able to store the value of the OutputVar.
I am not able to return the value of OutputVar even when I do not output the dataset, and only try to capture the value of OutputVar. Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
What I'd do is use the StoredProcedure
function (part of the sqlrutils package, which is in turn part of MS R Server 9.0.1) to wrap the R code into a stored procedure. This is slightly different to your original code, since the return values are wrapped in a list. But the idea is still the same.
testfunc <- function()
iris_dataset <- iris
out <- 5.1
list(iris_dataset=iris_dataset, out=out)
sp <- StoredProcedure(testfunc, "spTestFunc",
OutputParameter("out", "numeric"),
Having done that, you can right-click on the proc in SSMS, select "execute Stored Procedure", and SSMS will generate some code for you. The code will look like this:
USE [databasename]
DECLARE @return_value int,
@out_outer float
EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[spTestFunc]
@out_outer = @out_outer OUTPUT
SELECT @out_outer as N'@out_outer'
SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value
And if you only want the output number, you can simplify the code down to this:
DECLARE @out_outer float
EXEC [dbo].[spTestFunc]
@out_outer = @out_outer OUTPUT
SELECT 'Return Value' = @out_outer