Search code examples

ionicPopup cannot get input value

I follow the sample of $ here but fail.

angular.module('main').directive('dtDiscount', function($ionicPopup) {
    return {
        require: 'ngModel',
        scope: {
            operators: '=operators',
            toggle: '=toggle',
        templateUrl: 'templates/components/discount.html',
        link: function ($scope, $element, $attrs, ctrl) {

            $scope.customeDiscount = 0;
            $scope.setCustomDiscount = function(){
                    title: 'Input Your Own Discount',
                    subTitle: 'XX %off',
                    template: '<input type="number" ng-model="customeDiscount"/>', // the preset value show 0, which is expected.
                    scope: $scope,
                    buttons: [{ text: 'Cancel' },{
                        text: '<b>Confirm</b>',
                        type: 'button-positive',
                        onTap: function(e) {
                            console.log($scope.customeDiscount); // 0
                            return $scope.customeDiscount;

            $scope.$watch('customeDiscount', function(value){

Whatever I input any value for customeDiscount, it always gives me 0 output, such that the value $scope.customeDiscount cannot be changed.

Can someone help me to find out what is the problem?


  • //old $scope.customeDiscount = 0;
    $ = {};
            $scope.setCustomDiscount = function(){
                    title: 'Input Your Own Discount',
                    subTitle: 'XX %off',
                    template: '<input type="number" ng-model="data.customeDiscount"/>', // the preset value show 0, which is expected.
                    scope: $scope,
                    buttons: [{ text: 'Cancel' },{
                        text: '<b>Confirm</b>',
                        type: 'button-positive',
                        onTap: function(e) {
                            console.log($; // 0
                            return $;