I am trying to get Laravel 5 (5.1.31) to return a http status response of 404 when a page is not found. I have tried several things and it always returns 200.
In my controller I have this:
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
return view('errors.404);
I have also tried:
return view('errors.404);
abort(404, 'Page not found');
I also tried putting this in the 404.blade
@inject( 'response', 'Illuminate\Http\Response' )
{{ $response->status(404) }}
No success. No matter what I try, Laravel returns 200. How do I get it to return 404?
While I don't know why abort is not returning the 404 status as it is suppose to, I did find a solution that will make Laravel return a 404 status:
Here is what I did:
else {
$data['title'] = '404';
$data['name'] = 'Page not found';
return response()->view('errors.404',$data,404);
This actually works better for my purposes because it doesn't mess with the contents of my 404.blade like the abort does.