In the Grammatical Evolution (GE) algorithm (here the web: there is the option to make the length of the individuals self-adaptive. I would like to know:
Thanks in advance.
In GE, the individuals are necessary variable-length in order to be able to encode programs (structures) of variable length.
The initial population already consists of individuals of varying size. The initialization procedures may vary, but the one I'm familiar the most uses the grammar to create the individuals. You basically do the same thing as when you want to decode the individual into the program (using the grammar) but instead of choosing the grammar expansions using the individual, you do it the other way around - you choose the expansions randomly and record these random decisions. When the expansion is finished, your recorded decisions form an individual.
The crossover operator in GE already modifies length of the indiviuals. It's a classical single-point crossover, but the crossover points are chosen completely randomly in both parents (in contrast to the classical single-point crossover from GAs where the parents are of the same length and the crossover point is aligned). This mechanism is capable of both growing and shrinking of the individuals.
Example on crossover: suppose you have two individuals and you have randomly chosen the crossover points
After crossover, the children look like this
parent 2: YYY|XXXX
As you can see, the length of the individuals was changed dramatically.
However, there is a second mechanism that is used for length reduction only. It is the pruning operator. This operator, when invoked (with a probability, in the same way e.g. the mutation is invoked), deletes the non-active part (i.e. if the grammar expansion finished before all codons were used, the remaining part is the non-active part) of the genotype.