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Xamarin + RestSharp request returning empty JSON

I'm trying to get JSON from Flask-RESTful API but instead of:

      "c_t": [],
      "imie": "test",
      "login": "test2",
      "nazwisko": "test3",
      "oferty": [],
      "password": "passpass",
      "user_id": 13,
      "u_t": []

I'm getting empty string as response.Content. Here is my code:

var client = new RestClient("https://SERVER-IP");
var request = new RestRequest("/users", Method.GET);

request.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");

client.ExecuteAsync(request, response =>
    var responseC = response.Content;

    Toast.MakeText(this, responseC, Toast.Length.Long).Show();


  • Use http instead of https ;) This is what fixed it for us.