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Apply borders in many cells openpyxl

I'm new, I want to know if you can help me I do not understand how to select multiple cells with openpyxl and apply a border,if you could please give me an example.Thanks


  • property is called border (not borders)

    Try this:

         def set_border(ws, cell_range):
        rows = list(ws.iter_rows(cell_range))
        side = Side(border_style='thin', color="FF000000")
        rows = list(rows)  # we convert iterator to list for simplicity, but it's not memory efficient solution
        max_y = len(rows) - 1  # index of the last row
        for pos_y, cells in enumerate(rows):
            max_x = len(cells) - 1  # index of the last cell
            for pos_x, cell in enumerate(cells):
                border = Border(
                if pos_x == 0:
                    border.left = side
                if pos_x == max_x:
                    border.right = side
                if pos_y == 0:
           = side
                if pos_y == max_y:
                    border.bottom = side
                # set new border only if it's one of the edge cells
                if pos_x == 0 or pos_x == max_x or pos_y == 0 or pos_y == max_y:
                    cell.border = border