I have a recursive function:
let main = () => {
ftp(_defaultPath, _start, (file, doc, name) => {
parser(file, doc, name)
The parser function:
module.exports = async function (file, doc, name) {
await funcOne(file, doc)
await funcTwo(file, doc, name)
await funcThree(file, doc, name)
The callback its called inside the recursive function multiple times:
async function myFuntion(path, name, callback) {
callback(file, doc, files[p][1])
The problem is I want to wait when i do callback like:
async function myFuntion(path, name, callback) {
await callback(file, doc, files[p][1])
... next lines need to wait to finish callback
I trying to find how to do that.
It's possible to do that? thanks
I have done on this way:
I edit my main function with async inside ftp function:
let main = () => {
ftp(_defaultPath, _start, async (file, doc, name) => {
await parser(file, doc, name)
I added the promise to parser function like that:
module.exports = function (file, doc, name) {
return new Promise( async (resolve, reject) => {
try {
await funcOne(file, doc)
await funcTwo(file, doc, name)
await funcThree(file, doc, name)
} catch(e) {
return reject(e)
return resolve()
Inside the recursive function I do the await.
await callback(file, doc, files[p][1])
Now waits as expected.