I need to target older device with a cordova application and hope that https://crosswalk-project.org/ will help to solve compatibility issue with older webviews
I followed the instructions in https://crosswalk-project.org/#documentation/cordova/migrate_an_application/migrate-using-adt
xwalk_core_library and Cordova does not build for Android 4.0.3 (API 15)
I tried
none of them are working,
It does build fine with Android 4.4.2 (API 19)
I saw Crosswalk Cordova does not build question and answer but answer solve latest android version and not for Android 4.0.3
Crosswalk no longer supports Android 4.0.3. (Despite online documentation,) when you install the plugin (in cordova) you will be advised ICS no longer supported - earliest Android supported is 4.1 (Jellybean) at the time of this post.