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findViewById ClassCastExcpetion

I'm using the kotlin-extension plugin for finding the views.

But now I get an exception by


It worked until now, but now it gives an

ClassCastException: android.widget.FrameLayout cannot be cast to

The last Thing I did, was to add an id to my fab and set an OnClickListener.

But in my layout.xml: has the id "@+id/mainActivity_toolbar" and FrameLayout has the id "@+id/mainActivity_framelayout".

I first thought there is a bug in the kotlin-extension plugin, but with findViewById it doesn't work either.

Thank you


  • Restarting IntelliJ solved my problem.

    Didn't thought on that, only rebuilt my Project and that didn't helped.

    Due to this Post, I thought this could be my problem, so because rebuilt dosn't helped, I restartet IntelliJ and it worked.