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Use of undeclared identified variable

I have been trying my hands for the first time building a native iOS module to be consumed for a Titanium app from the official appcelerator docs:iOS Module Quick Start. Not sure why the build fails as

'/iphone/Classes/ComExampleTestModule.m:55:20: Use of undeclared identifier 'foo'; did you mean 'for'? 

I notice this error for the dealloc and setExampleProp where i use the foo variable in the ComExampleTestModule.m file.


#import "TiModule.h"

@interface ComExampleTestModule : TiModule


@interface ComAppcNewmoduleModule : TiModule
    NSString *foo;



* test
 * Created by Your Name
 * Copyright (c) 2017 Your Company. All rights reserved.

#import "ComExampleTestModule.h"
#import "TiBase.h"
#import "TiHost.h"
#import "TiUtils.h"

@implementation ComExampleTestModule

#pragma mark Internal

// this is generated for your module, please do not change it
    return @"e5d1b415-6588-4911-9825-3a210032b430";

// this is generated for your module, please do not change it
    return @"com.example.test";

#pragma mark Lifecycle

    // this method is called when the module is first loaded
    // you *must* call the superclass
    [super startup];

    NSLog(@"[INFO] %@ loaded",self);

    // this method is called when the module is being unloaded
    // typically this is during shutdown. make sure you don't do too
    // much processing here or the app will be quit forceably

    // you *must* call the superclass
    [super shutdown:sender];

#pragma mark Cleanup

    // release any resources that have been retained by the module
    RELEASE_TO_NIL(foo); // Errors out on this line
    [super dealloc];

#pragma mark Internal Memory Management

    // optionally release any resources that can be dynamically
    // reloaded once memory is available - such as caches
    [super didReceiveMemoryWarning:notification];

#pragma mark Listener Notifications

-(void)_listenerAdded:(NSString *)type count:(int)count
    if (count == 1 && [type isEqualToString:@"my_event"])
        // the first (of potentially many) listener is being added
        // for event named 'my_event'

-(void)_listenerRemoved:(NSString *)type count:(int)count
    if (count == 0 && [type isEqualToString:@"my_event"])
        // the last listener called for event named 'my_event' has
        // been removed, we can optionally clean up any resources
        // since no body is listening at this point for that event

#pragma Public APIs


    return @"hello world";

    NSLog(@"[INFO] In Module - the stored value for exampleProp: %@", foo);
    return foo;

    // Macro from TiBase.h to type check the data
    // Call the retain method to keep a reference to the passed value
    foo = [value retain]; // Errors out on this line
    NSLog(@"[INFO] In Module - the new value for exampleProp: %@", value);



  • foo is a member of ComAppcNewmoduleModule, not ComExampleTestModule. But you try to access it in ComExampleTestModule (@implementation ComExampleTestModule).
    That's why you are getting the error., because ComExampleTestModule doesn't know foo.