Suppose I want to get all fields from some OFG g while ignoring fields like |java+field:///java/lang/System/err|
. How do I check whether the resulting field actually refers to some class from the imported project?
My attempt is this. Here the compiler lights up at <- classes
. So it doesn't allow from.path
. Which I think should be possible.
g = buildGraph(createOFG(|project://eLib|));
m = createM3FromEclipseProject(|project://eLib|);
set[str] classes = { cl.path | cl <- classes(m) };
set[loc] fields = { from | <from,_> <- g,
from.scheme == "java+field", from.path <- classes };
How could I make this work?
Simple answer: from.path
is not a pattern syntax, so you can use a variable instead:
set[loc] fields = { from | <from,_> <- g,
from.scheme == "java+field", x <- classes, x == from.path };
set[loc] fields = { from | <from,_> <- g,
from.scheme == "java+field", x := from.path, x <- classes };
A nice solution to the problem could be to use the containment relation m@containment
, if you transitively close it m@containment*
and query from the top you know if something is in the project, like myField in m@containment*[ |java+package:///elib|]
It's good to keep the m@containment*[ |java+package:///elib|]
around in a variable since it is an expensive computation.
You can find out what the top of the containment relation is like so:
rascal> import analysis::graphs::Graph; // or import Graphs; in older versions
rascal> top(m@containment)
set[loc]: {