I am trying to convert a Prolog predicate into DCG code. Even if I am familiar with grammar langage I have some troubles to understand how DCG works with lists and how I am supposed to use it.
Actually, this is my predicate :
cleanList([], []).
cleanList([H|L], [H|LL]) :-
cleanList(L, LL),
cleanList([_|L], LL) :-
cleanList(L, LL).
It is a simple predicate which removes non-numeric elements. I would like to have the same behaviour writes in DCG.
I tried something like that (which does not work obviously) :
cleanList([]) --> [].
cleanList([H]) --> {number(H)}.
cleanList([H|T]) --> [H|T], {number(H)}, cleanList(T).
Is it possible to explain me what is wrong or what is missing ?
Thank you !
The purpose of DCG notation is exactly to hide, or better, make implicit, the tokens list. So, your code should look like
cleanList([]) --> [].
cleanList([H|T]) --> [H], {number(H)}, cleanList(T).
cleanList(L) --> [H], {\+number(H)}, cleanList(L).
that can be made more efficient:
cleanList([]) --> [].
cleanList([H|T]) --> [H], {number(H)}, !, cleanList(T).
cleanList(L) --> [_], cleanList(L).
A style note: Prologgers do prefers to avoid camels :)
clean_list([]) --> [].
Also, I would prefer more compact code:
clean_list([]) --> [].
clean_list(R) --> [H], {number(H) -> R = [H|T] ; R = T}, clean_list(T).