In the python standard environment quickstart, the endpoints method test_api_key returns a 503 Service Unavailable. The error occurs in the API Explorer when run with and when the API is deployed. The code for it is:
import endpoints
from protorpc import message_types
from protorpc import messages
from protorpc import remote
class TestResponse(messages.Message):
content = messages.StringField(1)
@endpoints.api(name='practice', version='v1', description='My Practice API')
class PracticeApi(remote.Service):
def test_api_key(self, request):
return TestResponse(content=request.get_unrecognized_field_info('key'))
api = endpoints.api_server([PracticeApi])
I don't have a good understanding of .get_unrecognized_field_info('key') so I am not sure what the issue is? Thanks.
There were three things that were creating the 503 error.
Firstly, I needed to make the method or entire Api require an Api Key. In this case I just applied it to the entire Api:
@endpoints.api(name='practice', version='v1', api_key_required=True)
class PracticeApi(remote.Service):
Secondly, after I generated the Api Key in the cloud console I needed to put the Key into the openapi.json file before deploying it.
Lastly, I was still getting a validation error:
ValidationError: Expected type <type 'unicode'> for field content, found (u'My Api Key', Variant(STRING, 9)) (type <type 'tuple'>)
The get_unrecognized_field_info() function returns a tuple of (value, variant). A tuple was not expected by the response so I updated the method to only show value:
def test_api_key(self, request):
return TestResponse(content=request.get_unrecognized_field_info('key')[0])