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Google API authentication: Not valid origin for the client

When making an auth request to the Google API (gapi), it's returning false on the checkOrigin.

I have removed any client id's or anything that would link directly to my account and replaced it with a regex indicating what the data is for reference.


My origin url is a local url, which is

Result: {valid: false}

I'm using the example found here without deviation (except for replacing clientid with my 21 digit clientid):

The items I'm trying to display show up nicely on the demo site, but aren't getting past the Not valid origin for the client error on my site.


  • I received the same console error message when working with this example:

    The documentation says not to overlook two critical steps ("As you go through the instructions, it's important that you not overlook these two critical steps: Enable the Analytics API [&] Set the correct origins"), but does not clearly state WHERE to set the correct origins.

    Since the client ID I had was not working, I created a new project and a new client ID. The new project may not have been necessary, but I'm retaining (and using) it.

    Here's what worked:

    During creation of the credentials, you will see a section called "Restrictions Enter JavaScript origins, redirect URIs, or both". This is where you can enter your origins.

    Save and copy your client ID (and secret).

    My script worked after I created the new OAUTH credential, assigned the origin, and used the newly generated client ID following this process.