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Is it possible to wrap function such as Geolocation.watchPosition() in a Promise?

I wonder if it's possible to wrap Geolocation.watchPosition() in a Promise and use it with async/await idioms in a way it does it's work; constantly returns positions whenever a device's location changes and invokes succeeding functions.

// Example Class
class Geo {
  // Wrap in Promise
  getCurrentPosition(options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(resolve, reject, options)

  // Wrap in Promise
  watchCurrentPosition(options) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(resolve, reject, options)

  // Works well.
  async currentPosition() {
    try {
      let position = await this.getCurrentPosition()
      // do something with position.     
    catch (error) {

  // Any way...?
  async watchPosition() {
    try {
      let position = await this.watchCurrentPosition()
      // do something with position whenever location changes. 
      // Invoking recursively do the job but doesn't feel right.
    catch (error) {


  • Not yet.

    The pattern you're describing is an Observable - there isn't language support for it in Javascript, but it's coming.

    In ES2015 we got generators: function* & yield, which allowed Iterators - pulling each yield with a for...of loop.

    Generators also support push Observers, with var valToGet = yield foo; and; syntax.

    Generators are synchronous - they're just passing a single thread back and forth.

    In ES2017 we got async & await - these use generators under the covers to convert each await in an async function into a yield new Promise(.... The async function becomes a iterator of promises.

    Ideally we would be able to do something like this:

    async watchPosition*() {
        try {
            while(this.enabled) {
                // Loop each time navigator.geolocation.watchPosition fires success
                const position = await this.watchCurrentPosition();
                // Pass back to the listener until
                const atDestination = yield position;
                    break; // We're here, stop watching
        catch (error) {

    Unfortunately, async function* isn't supported yet - functions can be generators or async, but not both. There also isn't the nice for...of syntax like there is for iterators, just the clunky, so consuming this hypothetical method is a little ugly:

    async listener() { 
        const generator = Geo.watchPosition();
        let item = await;
        while (!item.done) {
            // Update UI
            const atDestination = areWeThereYet(item.value);
            item = await;

    So asynchronous iterators/observables are coming, but there's lots to sort out first.

    In the mean time there are some exceptional libraries that support observer patterns and are available now, such as RxJS.