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Append Int to Data in Swift 3

I am writing datagram for sending it to a server via UDP socket. How can I append Int to the end of a datagram (already composed Data)?


  • You can use the

    public mutating func append<SourceType>(_ buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer<SourceType>)

    method of Data. You probably also want to convert the value to network (big-endian) byte order when communicating between different platforms, and use fixed-size types like (U)Int16, (U)Int32, or (U)Int64.


    var data = Data()
    let value: Int32 = 0x12345678
    var beValue = value.bigEndian
    data.append(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &beValue, count: 1))
    print(data as NSData) // <12345678>

    Update for Swift 4/5:

    let value: Int32 = 0x12345678
    withUnsafeBytes(of: value.bigEndian) { data.append(contentsOf: $0) }

    The intermediate variable is no longer needed.