After cloning the bookdown-demo i tried to get a table with some math in the header. In the html-output everything works fine. In the PDF output it is broken:
col.names = c("$y_{speed}$", "$y_{dist}$")
Bookdown - PDF: (Here you can see the wrong output)
Rmarkdown - PDF: (Result as expected)
Bookdown - HTML: (Result as expected)
This is the Latex-Code bookdown produces:
\DataTypeTok{col.names =} \KeywordTok{c}\NormalTok{(}\StringTok{"$y_\{speed\}$"}\NormalTok{, }\StringTok{"$y_\{dist\}$"}\NormalTok{)}
\$y\_\{speed\}\$ & \$y\_\{dist\}\$\\
4 & 2\\
4 & 10\\
7 & 4\\
7 & 22\\
8 & 16\\
9 & 10\\
Just use the argument escape = F
for kable
since there seems to be a double escaping of special characters in bookdown.