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How to display Formatted value in bubble chart using iccube reporting v6?

Using V6 reporting, I created a bubble chart with simple percentage values. I'm able to format the axis values using it's "format" property. But in the Bubble tooltip, the value is still raw value... Is there a way to show the Formatted value instead of the value ?

enter image description here

Here is the code of the report based on "Sales" schema to reproduce easily:

"classID": "ic3.ReportGuts",
"guts_": {
    "schemaName": "Sales",
    "cubeName": "Sales",
    "themeId": "ic3-elegant",
    "ic3Rev": 4015,
    "layout": {
        "classID": "ic3.FixedLayout",
        "guts_": {
            "grid": 10,
            "boxes": [
                    "classID": "ic3.FixedLayoutBox",
                    "guts_": {
                        "behaviour": "Fixed Box",
                        "position": {
                            "top": 10,
                            "left": 10,
                            "width": 930,
                            "height": 460
                        "advanced": {
                            "zIndex": 15
                        "header": "@{bubbleTitle}",
                        "boxStyle": "zoneRequired",
                        "ic3_uid": "ic3-5",
                        "widgetAdapterUid": "w1"
    "widgetMgr": {
        "classID": "ic3.WidgetAdapterContainerMgr",
        "guts_": {
            "items": [
                    "classID": "ic3.GoogleChartsAdapter",
                    "guts_": {
                        "configState": 3,
                        "navigationGuts": {
                            "classID": "ic3.NavigationStrategy",
                            "guts_": {
                                "menuVisibility": {
                                    "back": false,
                                    "reset": false
                                "maxAxisMemberCount": 25
                        "dataRenderOptions": {
                            "chartType": {
                                "label": "Bubble",
                                "id": "bubble-google-chart",
                                "proto": {
                                    "options": {
                                        "width": "100%",
                                        "height": "100%",
                                        "bubble": {
                                            "textStyle": {
                                                "fontSize": 10
                                    "chartType": "BubbleChart"
                            "axesConfiguration": null,
                            "graphsConfiguration": null,
                            "advanced": {
                                "hAxis": {
                                    "format": "\"##.##%\""
                                "vAxis": {
                                    "format": null
                                "legend": {
                                    "position": "none"
                                "colorAxis": {
                                    "colors": [
                                    "legend": {
                                        "position": "none"
                                "explorer": {},
                                "sizeAxis": {
                                    "minSize": 7
                                "tooltip": {
                                    "format": null
                        "ic3_name": "widget-12",
                        "ic3_eventMapper": {
                            "classID": "ic3.EventWidgetMapper",
                            "guts_": {
                                "__ic3_widgetEventsDescription": {}
                        "navigationOptions": {
                            "menuVisibility": {
                                "back": false,
                                "reset": false
                        "hooks": {
                            "beforeData": "/**\n * Return data object\n */\nfunction(context, data, $box) {\n    //bubble on data received\n    debugger\n\treturn data;\n}",
                            "beforeRender": "/**\n * Return patched \n * options object.\n */\nfunction(context, options) {\n    //bubble before render\n\treturn options;\n}"
                        "ic3_uid": "w1",
                        "ic3_mdxBuilderUid": "m1"
    "constantMgr": {
        "classID": "ic3.ConstantsMgr",
        "guts_": {}
    "cssMgr": {
        "classID": "ic3.CssMgr",
        "guts_": {}
    "javascriptMgr": {
        "classID": "ic3.ReportJavascriptMgr",
        "guts_": {
            "js": "/**                                                                      \n * A function called each time an event is generated.                    \n *                                                                       \n * @param context the same object is passed between consumeEvent calls.  \n *                Can be used to store information.                      \n *        {                                                              \n *          $report   : jQuery context of the report container           \n *          fireEvent : a function( name, value ) triggering an event    \n *        }                                                              \n *                                                                       \n * @param event the event information                                    \n *                                                                       \n          {                                                              \n *          name  : as specified in the 'Events' tab                     \n *          value : (optional) actual event value                        \n *          type  : (optional) e.g., ic3selection                        \n *        }                                                              \n *                                                                       \n * Check the 'Report Event Names' menu for the list of available events. \n */                                                                      \n/*                                                                       \nfunction consumeEvent( context, event ) {                                \n  if ( == 'ic3-report-init') {                                 \n    // add your code here                                                \n  }                                                                      \n}                                                                        \n*/                                                                       \n"
    "calcMeasureMgr": {
        "classID": "ic3.CalcMeasureMgr",
        "guts_": {
            "measures": []
    "mdxQueriesMgr": {
        "classID": "ic3.MdxQueriesContainerMgr",
        "guts_": {
            "mdxQueries": {
                "classID": "ic3.BaseContainerMgr",
                "guts_": {
                    "items": [
                            "classID": "ic3.QueryBuilderWidget",
                            "guts_": {
                                "mode": "MDX",
                                "options": {
                                    "WIZARD": {
                                        "cubeName": null,
                                        "measures": [],
                                        "rows": [],
                                        "rowsNonEmpty": false,
                                        "columns": [],
                                        "columnsNonEmpty": false,
                                        "filter": []
                                    "MDX": {
                                        "statement": "with\nmember [PDM Sejours] as 0.5072 ,format_string=\"percent\"\nmember [Evo PDM] as 0.00291 ,format_string=\"percent\"\nmember [Activité Etablissements] as 8113 ,format_string=\"#,###\"\nselect \n  NON EMPTY {[Measures].[PDM Sejours], [Measures].[Evo PDM] , [Measures].[Activité Etablissements]}  ON COLUMNS, \nNON EMPTY {[Product].[Product].[Company].[icCube]} on ROWS \nfrom [Sales]\n"
                                "ic3_name": "mdx Query-0",
                                "ic3_uid": "m1",
                                "schemaSettings": {}
            "mdxFilter": {
                "classID": "ic3.BaseContainerMgr",
                "guts_": {
                    "items": []
            "actionBuilders": {
                "classID": "ic3.BaseContainerMgr",
                "guts_": {
                    "items": []
    "customLocalizations": []



  • formatting the data for the chart, should flow through to the tooltip

    not familiar with iccube, however, when loading the data, you can use google's object notation

    to provide both the value (v:) and the formatted value (f:)

    for example, instead of loading the following data row...

    ['Sub-Saharan Africa', 80, 1.023],

    use object notation...

    [{v: 'Sub-Saharan Africa'}, {v: 80, f: 'test 80'}, {v: 1.023, f: 'test 1.023000000'}],

    the tooltip should display the value for f:

    see following working snippet...

    google.charts.load('current', {
      callback: function () {
        var data = new google.visualization.DataTable({
          cols: [
            {label: 'ID', type: 'string'},
            {label: 'X', type: 'number'},
            {label: 'Y', type: 'number'}
          rows: [
            {c:[{v: 'Sub-Saharan Africa'}, {v: 80, f: 'test 80'}, {v: 1.023, f: 'test 1.023000000'}]},
            {c:[{v: 'Arab States'}, {v: 80, f: 'test 80'}, {v: 1.022, f: 'test 1.0220000000'}]},
            {c:[{v: 'East Asia and the Pacific'}, {v: 80, f: 'test 80'}, {v: 1.21, f: 'test 1.2100000000'}]}
        var container = document.getElementById('chart_div');
        var chart = new google.visualization.BubbleChart(container);
      packages: ['corechart']
    <script src=""></script>
    <div id="chart_div"></div>