I am new to git and python and I was trying to do :
git push origin master using Dulwich
I have cloned a remote repository to local repo "local_repo" and then trying to do something like:
and it shows error:
"dulwich.errors.GitProtocolError: You can't push to git://github.com/myusername/myrepo Use https://github.com/myusername/myrepo.git"
When I use :
It shows error:
"dulwich.errors.GitProtocolError: unexpected http response 401"
Please tell me how do I go about it
You can't push to that repository as you don't have the necessary permissions. You can pass the ceredentials as part of the URL if you like:
git clone https://username:[email protected]/username/repository.git
I would use an ssh key for github though.
EDIT: It seems like porcelain has a bug working with private repositories. I've opened an issue here: https://github.com/jelmer/dulwich/issues/507