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Golang cassandra client with connection pool support

We are using gocql ( driver to connect to Cassandra from our golang server. For every http request, we are creating a new session and inserting rows into cassandra. We feel it is very much resource intensive to create a session for every request.

Typical Code

func NewSession() (*gocql.Session, error) {
    config := NewClusterConfig()
    if config == nil {
        return nil, &CassandraError{"Oops! Cluster initialization failed."}
    return config.CreateSession()

Is there any way to pool the connections in gocql or any other cassandra drivers for golang?


  • You don't need a pool. Create a global Session. From

    It's safe for concurrent use by multiple goroutines and a typical usage scenario is to have one global session object to interact with the whole Cassandra cluster.