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Vertical align in table on Latex

I want to make a table and print the text in the middle of all cases. I use the array package and I wrote:


But then Latex says that I missed one '$' or one '{' in my table... but there is only text, so I don't understand. When I switched to :


all is ok and works... but it's ugly. I read a lot of stuff about that on the site already but never fixed my obvious-like problem :/


  • Here is a minimal example of the layout I use for tables. Different combinations of sizing and formatting are shown. I am not sure if this is what you asked for. Please reformulate your question, if it is not.

    \usepackage{booktabs} % \cmidrule in tables
    % \usepackage{caption}  % Nice Captions
    % \usepackage{longtable} % Tables larger than one page
    % \usepackage{multirow} % Mergings Cells
    % \usepackage{multicol} % Merging Cells
      \caption{Some caption, for tables always above}
      \label{some label}
        \textsc{Foobar} & $a$ & $b$ & $c$ & $d$ & $e$ & $f$ \\
        \cmidrule(r){1-1} \cmidrule(lr){2-2} \cmidrule(lr){3-3} \cmidrule(lr){4-4} \cmidrule(lr){5-5} \cmidrule(lr){6-6} \cmidrule(l){7-7}
        1               & 2   & 2   & 2   & 2   & 2   & 2   \\
        2               & 4   & 5   & 4   & 4   & 4   & 4   \\
        3               & 4   & 3   & 4   & 3   & 3   & 3   \\
