I have an application that is using Rabbitmq messaging for communication between components. There are a decent number of exchanges, queues and routing keys and four main components acting as either publishers, conusmers or both. I want to provide a document that will show the messaging structure of the system, but was unable to find examples even on the Rabbitmq site itself. The obvious candidate is the UML sequence diagram, but I want to be sure to show the exchanges, routing keys, queues, fall back queues and DLQ clearly. Not that it really matters, but I am using plantuml to produce the diagrams.
What type of UML document should be used to document a messaging system and are there any examples I can review?
I want to be careful about capturing the information of the publisher / consumer relationship and also the flow of messages through the system as defined by workflows. I am thinking it should probably be two different diagrams.
So as discussed in the comments section there is no one answer to this and the key to be able to produce a useful diagram is to properly understand the target audience for the diagram you are creating. In my case i have decided to create a single diagram that shows the topology of the messaging system and then separate sequence diagrams that show how specific routes are used for specific workflows.