This is my winston logger class:
const winston = require('winston');
const config = require('../config');
const env = process.env;
info: 1,
warn: 3,
debug: 'green',
info: 'cyan',
silly: 'magenta',
warn: 'yellow',
error: 'red'
let transports = [];
transports.push(new (winston.transports.File)({filename: config.logger.fileName}));
if (env.CONSOLE == 'true' || config.logger.consoleLog) {
transports.push(new (winston.transports.Console)({colorize:true}));
transports: transports
if (config.logger.debug || env.DEBUG == 'true') {
winston.level = 'debug';
module.exports = winston;
I use this like so:
const logger = require('src/logger');"Hello there");
The problem is all files would then append to the same file without any distinction; I want to be able to set the "name" so that in my log, I see something like "[Name1] ..." "[Name2] ..." etc.
How do I accomplish this?
Winston has a concept of 'categories'. But there is no easy way to put the category name into a log message.
Here is a workaround that leverages 'label' property to achieve this:
'use strict';
const winston = require('winston');
debug: 0,
info: 1,
silly: 2,
warn: 3,
error: 4,
debug: 'green',
info: 'cyan',
silly: 'magenta',
warn: 'yellow',
error: 'red'
const getLogger = function (category) {
//If we call .get it'll create a default logger
//We don't need a default one, we want to configure the
//transports/labels, so we check if it exists
//and return only if it's configured properly
if (winston.loggers[category]) {
return winston.loggers.get(category);
//Apply your logic to identify log level here.
let level = 'silly';
//Set up the transports you need (omit console if needed)
let transports = [
new (winston.transports.File)({
filename: './logs.txt',
//Notice this 'label' property
label: category,
new (winston.transports.Console)({
colorize: true,
label: category,
return winston.loggers.add(category, {transports});
module.exports = {getLogger};
const generalLogger = getLogger('general');
const appleLogger = getLogger('apple');
const orangeLogger = getLogger('orange');
generalLogger.log('info', 'general logger');
appleLogger.log('info', 'apple logger');
orangeLogger.log('info', 'orange logger');
So you export getLogger
instead of just winston
and then you'll get log messages like these:
info: [general] general logger
info: [apple] apple logger
info: [orange] orange logger
{"level":"info","message":"general logger","label":"general","timestamp":"2017-03-06T07:08:04.959Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"apple logger","label":"apple","timestamp":"2017-03-06T07:08:04.962Z"}
{"level":"info","message":"orange logger","label":"orange","timestamp":"2017-03-06T07:08:04.963Z"}
Hope this helps. Also here's a similar thread.