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Failed to start QThread when using QNetworkAccessManager

I'm currently trying to make a software that downloads a lot of files from Google Drive. Downloading is currently not a problem.

Nevertheless, I encounter an issue when launching 500+ simultaneous downloads. I use a slightly modified version of this tutorial :

Here is the .h file :

class FileDownloader : public QObject
    explicit FileDownloader(QUrl url, QObject *parent = 0, int number = 0);
    QByteArray downloadedData() const;
    void launchNewDownload(QUrl url);
    QByteArray m_DownloadedData;
    QNetworkReply* reply;

    static QNetworkAccessManager *m_WebCtrl;

    void downloaded();

private slots:
    void fileDownloaded(QNetworkReply* pReply);

And here is the .cpp file :

QNetworkAccessManager* FileDownloader::m_WebCtrl = nullptr;

FileDownloader::FileDownloader(QUrl url, QObject *parent) :
    if (m_WebCtrl == nullptr) {
        m_WebCtrl = new QNetworkAccessManager(this);
    connect(m_WebCtrl, SIGNAL (finished(QNetworkReply*)),this, SLOT (fileDownloaded(QNetworkReply*)));


void FileDownloader::launchNewDownload(QUrl url) {
    QNetworkRequest request(url);
    this->reply = m_WebCtrl->get(request);

void FileDownloader::fileDownloaded(QNetworkReply* pReply) {
    m_DownloadedData = pReply->readAll();

    //emit a signal
    emit downloaded();

QByteArray FileDownloader::downloadedData() const {
    return m_DownloadedData;

The issue is "QThread::start: Failed to create thread ()" when reaching about the 500th download. I tried to limit the number of downloads which run at the same time - but I always get the same issue. Besides, I tried to delete every downloader when finishing its task - it did nothing else than crashing the program ;)

I think that it is coming from the number of threads allowed for an only process, but I'm not able to solve it !

Does anyone have an idea that could help me ?

Thank you !


  • QNetworkAccessManager::finished signal is documented to be emitted whenever a pending network reply is finished.

    This means that if the QNetworkAccessManager is used to run multiple requests at a time (and this is perfectly normal usage). finished signal will be emitted once for every request. Since you have a shared instance of QNetworkAccessManager between your FileDownloader objects, the finished signal gets emitted for every get call you have made. So, all the FileDownloader objects get a finished signal as soon as the first FileDownloader finishes downloading.

    Instead of using QNetworkAccessManager::finished, you can use QNetworkReply::finished to avoid mixing up signals. Here is an example implementation:

    #include <QtNetwork>
    #include <QtWidgets>
    class FileDownloader : public QObject
        //using constructor injection instead of a static QNetworkAccessManager pointer
        //This allows to share the same QNetworkAccessManager
        //object with other classes utilizing network access
        QNetworkAccessManager* m_nam;
        QNetworkReply* m_reply;
        QByteArray m_downloadedData;
        explicit FileDownloader(QUrl imageUrl, QNetworkAccessManager* nam,
                                QObject* parent= nullptr)
            :QObject(parent), m_nam(nam)
            QNetworkRequest request(imageUrl);
            m_reply = m_nam->get(request);
            connect(m_reply, &QNetworkReply::finished, this, &FileDownloader::fileDownloaded);
        ~FileDownloader() = default;
        QByteArray downloadedData()const{return m_downloadedData;}
        void downloaded();
    private slots:
        void fileDownloaded(){
            m_downloadedData= m_reply->readAll();
            emit downloaded();
    //sample usage
    int main(int argc, char* argv[]){
        QApplication a(argc, argv);
        QNetworkAccessManager nam;
        FileDownloader fileDownloader(QUrl(""), &nam);
        QLabel label;
        label.setText("Downloading. . .");
        label.setMinimumSize(640, 480);;
        QObject::connect(&fileDownloader, &FileDownloader::downloaded, [&]{
            QPixmap pixmap;
        return a.exec();
    #include "main.moc"

    If you are using this method to download large files, consider having a look at this question.