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Value NULL after program compile in browser

I'm making an application to remove additive or commonly called Stemming confix stripping. I wanted to make a loop to process stemming in each text file. process stemming I've put them in the loop. making the process the content of each document also I put in a text file. when I run in the browser no error but only the note NULL. what's the solution? I attach my program and program results`it is code

 require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
 $array_sentence = glob('../../ujicoba/simpantoken/*.txt');
 settype($array_sentence, "string");
 if(is_array($array_sentence) && is_object($array_sentence))
   foreach ($array_sentence as $text) 
        $textnormalizer = new src\Sastrawi\Stemmer\Filter\TextNormalizer();
        $stemmerFactory = new \Sastrawi\Stemmer\StemmerFactory();
        $stemmer  = $stemmerFactory->createStemmer();
        $content = file_get_contents($text);
        $stemmer  = $stemmerFactory->createStemmer();
        $output   = $stemmer->stem(array($content));
        echo $output . "\n";
    <!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>Confix Stripping Stemmer</title>

my source code result in browser when running programenter code here


  • The following code works for stemming:

    $regexRules = array(
    global $regexRules;
    $file_string = glob('yourfoldertoseavedata_text/*.txt');
    $string = array('(.*)');
    foreach ($file_string as $data)
        $string[] = file_get_contents($data);
        $stemming = str_ireplace($regexRules,"", $string);