I have the data in a database table named term like this :
id_term | keyword |
------- | -----------------------------
1 | how to make search engine |
2 | application engineering |
3 | android application example |
then I want it to be like this table :
| id_term | keyword |
1 | how |
1 | to |
1 | Make |
1 | search |
1 | engine |
2 | application |
2 | engineering |
3 | example |
3 | application |
3 | android |
I've tried googling to find references to split the string, but still have not found the appropriate expectations. In an experiment that I've done using substring_index results I could actually like this:
id_term | keyword |
------- | -------------------------------
1 | how to make search engine |
1 | how to make search engine |
1 | how to make search engine |
there anything you can help me or has the solution of my problem? mysql code that I try something like this:
select term.id_kata, SUBSTRING_INDEX (SUBSTRING_INDEX (term.keyword, ',', term.id_kata), ',', -1) keyword term from inner join keyword_doc on CHAR_LENGTH (term.keyword) -CHAR_LENGTH (REPLACE (term.keyword , ',', ''))> = term.id_kata-1 ORDER BY `term`.`keyword` DESC
I've tried googling for approximately 5 hours to find a solution, but have not found until I was confused to be asked where. there any ideas or can help provide a solution?
The solution for it problem is please take 'BETWEEN' in SQL SYNTAX. this code 100% work for it problem :
$dbhost = 'localhost';
$dbuser = 'root';
$dbpass = 'pasword';
$dbname = 'yourdatabasename';
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_DEPRECATED);
mysql_connect($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpass) or die(mysqli_error('cannot connect to the server'));
mysql_select_db($dbname) or die(mysqli('database selection problem'));
$frequency = array();
$datastring = 'SELECT id_term,keyword FROM data_token WHERE id_term BETWEEN 1 AND 3';
$calldata = mysql_query($datastring);
while($takedata = mysql_fetch_array($calldata,MYSQL_ASSOC))
$array = explode("\n",$takedata['keyword']);
foreach ($array as $index => $keyword)
if(! array_key_exists($keyword,$frequency))
$frequency[$keyword] = 1;
$frequency[$keyword] = $frequency[$keyword] + 1;
$document = $takedata['id_term'];
foreach ($frequency as $term => $tf)
$sqlInput = "INSERT INTO yourtablename (id_term,keyword,frequency) VALUES ('$dokumen','{$term}', {$tf})";