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how to open an Instagram page by as3 in android air application?

i want open an instagram page by clicking on a button in my app, for example "instagram/mypage" in Instagram app. whats the code?

mybuttun.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, open_instagram_page);
function open_instagram_page(event:MouseEvent)
    //what should i write here?

i found this code that open "setting" page of android device,how change it to open specific page on instagram app:

var url:String = ("intent:#Intent;" +
                  "action=android.intent.action.MAIN;" +
                  "category=android.intent.category.LAUNCHER;" +
                  ";" +
navigateToURL(new URLRequest(url));


  • You can use the Share ANE to do open the Instagram app to a specific page. The following works on Android and iOS:

    var app:Application = new Application( "", "instagram://" );
    var options:ApplicationOptions = new ApplicationOptions();
    options.action = ApplicationOptions.ACTION_VIEW; = "";
    options.parameters = "user?username=distriqt";
    if (Share.service.applications.isInstalled( app ))
        Share.service.applications.launch( app, options );

    I'm one of the developers of this ANE.