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Why tasks are not going in parallel?

I have number of locations(called Cells) where I run tests. Tests are implemented as asynchronous tasks and running consequently. User can select to run any tests for each cell. If I select to run same exactly same tests on all cells, then it's going more or less parallel.

Having tests A, B, C, if on cell 1 and 2 I select test A, B and on 3 I select only C, then for some reason tests in cell 1 and 2 will start running, but in cell 3 test C will not start, until A and B tests in cell 1 and 2 will not finished. Basically all tests in all cells are tend to run in the same order. That is not what I wanted. What I tried to achieve is the chain of tests to run independently from each cell. Now I will show how I implemented.

private async void buttonStartTest_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    var cells = objectListView.CheckedObjects.Cast<Cell>().ToList();
    if (cells == null)

    var blockPrepare = CreateExceptionCatchingTransformBlock(new Func<Cell, Task<Cell>>(Tests.Prepare), new Action<Exception, Cell>(HandleUnhandledException), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
        BoundedCapacity = 10000,
        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 40,

    var blockFinalize = CreateExceptionCatchingActionBlock(new Func<Cell, Task>(Tests.Finalize), new Action<Exception, Cell>(HandleUnhandledException), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
        BoundedCapacity = 10000,
        MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 40,

    List<IPropagatorBlock<Cell, Cell>> blockList = new List<IPropagatorBlock<Cell, Cell>>();
    var funcs = tests.Select(x => x.Value);
    foreach (var func in funcs)
        var blockNew = CreateExceptionCatchingTransformBlock(new Func<Cell, Task<Cell>>(func), new Action<Exception, Cell>(HandleUnhandledException), new ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions
            BoundedCapacity = 10000,
            MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 40,

    // link
    for (int i = 0; i < blockList.Count - 1; i++)
        var b1 = blockList[i];
        var b2 = blockList[i + 1];

    // link first and last
    blockPrepare.LinkTo(blockList[0], new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true });
    blockList[blockList.Count - 1].LinkTo(blockFinalize, new DataflowLinkOptions { PropagateCompletion = true });

    foreach (Cell c in cells)
        c.State = Cell.States.InProgress;
        var progressHandler = new Progress<string>(value =>
            c.Status = value;

        c.Progress = progressHandler as IProgress<string>;

        await blockFinalize.Completion;
    catch (Exception ex)

Above you can see 2 mandatory blocks for each cell - prepare and finalize. Here is how I create them:

public IPropagatorBlock<TInput, TOutput> CreateExceptionCatchingTransformBlock<TInput, TOutput>(
                Func<TInput, Task<TOutput>> transform,
                Action<Exception, Cell> exceptionHandler,
                ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions)
    return new TransformManyBlock<TInput, TOutput>(async input =>
            var result = await transform(input);
            return new[] { result };
        catch (Exception ex)
            exceptionHandler(ex, (input as Cell));

            return Enumerable.Empty<TOutput>();
    }, dataflowBlockOptions);

public ITargetBlock<TInput> CreateExceptionCatchingActionBlock<TInput>(
                Func<TInput, Task> action,
                Action<Exception, Cell> exceptionHandler,
                ExecutionDataflowBlockOptions dataflowBlockOptions)
    return new ActionBlock<TInput>(async input =>
            await action(input);
        catch (Exception ex)
            exceptionHandler(ex, (input as Cell));
    }, dataflowBlockOptions);

Test itself look like this:

public static async Task<Cell> TestDoorsAsync(Cell c)
    int thisTestID = TEST_DOORS;
    TestConfiguration conf = c.GetConfiguration(thisTestID);
    if (conf.Enabled)
       ... // execute test
       // report that test was skipped due to user configuration

    return c;

So is there some option that I missed or software design is wrong, which is preventing tests in cells to run without waiting for the tests to complete in other cells?


The repo is minimal console app demonstrating the issue.

There are still 3 cells and 3 tests(tasks). On cell 1, 2 I am selecting to run all tests, while on cell 3 only test 3. What I expect is right after preparation task for cell 3, to immediately see skipped tests 1, 2 and running test 3.

What I see is (# - cell number)

#1 Preparing...
#2 Preparing...
#3 Preparing...

#1 Test1 running...
#2 Test1 running...
#3 Test1 skipped
#1 Test2 running...
#2 Test2 running...
#3 Test2 skipped
#1 Test3 running...
#2 Test3 running...
#3 Test3 running...

#2 Finalizing...
#1 Finalizing...
#3 Finalizing...

tests in cell 3 synchronized with tests in cell 1 and 2. All tests finished at the same time, while in cell 3 the single test should have been finished earlier than in other cells.


  • Thanks for the edit. Add EnsureOrdered = false to block options. What's happening is that your TransfomrBlocks are not passing the cells along until they are all done processing, so they can maintain your order. This is default and usually preferable but not in your case.

    Looks like I was wrong when I commented that their was nothing wrong in the current code.