I have 2 vectors and a scalar:
which is (N x 1);Value
which is (N x 1);sval
which is (1,1);If I want to interpolate sval
on grid
I know that I can simply do:
intervalue = interp1(grid, Value, sval, 'PCHIP');
What if now I want the derivatives, i.e. the slope of the function Value
at that particular point sval
As mentioned in the comments, you can approximate the derivative by forward finite difference approximation:
slope = diff(Value) ./ diff(grid);
slope = gradient(Value(1:end-1),grid);
This is a simple method of numerical differentiation. For a detailed guide on numerical differentiation in MATALB, see this answer.
Here is an example of the finite difference method with the desired interpolation:
% Define function y = x^3
grid = 1:100;
Value = grid .^ 3;
% Approximate derivative via the local slope
slope = diff(Value) ./ diff(grid);
% Or: slope = gradient(Value(1:end-1),grid);
slope_grid = grid(1:end-1);
% Interpolate derivative
sval = 33.5;
sval_slope = interp1(slope_grid, slope, sval, 'PCHIP');
We can visualize the result:
plot(grid, 3*grid.^2)
hold on
plot(slope_grid, slope)
legend('Reference', 'Approximation', 'Location', 'NorthWest')