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How to apply texture for .fbx model in three.js?

How do i change texture of ".fbx" model in three js library at runtime?


  • The main problem with applying a texture to an .FBX model, is that the .FBX is loaded as a group of sub-models, each with their own materials. The way to replace these textures is to traverse the model structure:

    // FBX loader returns a group containing a multiple sub-objects. Traverse and apply texture to all. 
    group.traverse(function (child) {
        if (child instanceof THREE.Mesh) {
            // apply texture
   = texture
            child.material.needsUpdate = true;

    For a working sample, I've modified the default three.js FBX example to demonstrate this:

    When you press the button, the code fragment above is used to replace the textures with a placeholder image from

    Running man with texture replaced