I have seen plenty of solutions online, however all of them addressed more complex apps which allow external users to create accounts. In my case the only user will be the admin. How do I secure the /admin routes created by Flask-Admin in an efficient way?
You can use Flask-Login for that. I usually add a route to the AdminIndexView class that handles the login if the user isn't logged in, yet. Otherwise the default admin page will be shown.
from flask import Flask
from flask_login import LoginManager
from flask_admin import Admin
app = Flask(__name__)
login_manager = LoginManager(app)
login_manager.session_protection = 'strong'
login_manager.login_view = 'admin.login'
admin = Admin(app, index_view=MyIndexView())
The definition of MyAdminView can look like this:
from flask_admin import AdminIndexView, expose, helpers
class FlaskyAdminIndexView(AdminIndexView):
def index(self):
if not login.current_user.is_authenticated:
return redirect(url_for('.login'))
return super(MyAdminIndexView, self).index()
@expose('/login', methods=['GET', 'POST'])
def login(self):
form = LoginForm(request.form)
if helpers.validate_form_on_submit(form):
user = form.get_user()
if user is not None and user.verify_password(form.password.data):
flash('Invalid username or password.')
if login.current_user.is_authenticated:
return redirect(url_for('.index'))
self._template_args['form'] = form
return super(MyAdminIndexView, self).index()
def logout(self):
return redirect(url_for('.login'))
This integrates Flask-Login unobtrusively in the Flask-Admin interface. You will still need to implement the user and password verification like described in the Flask-Login documentation.
To prevent unauthorized access to your admin routes create a ModelView class for each view and add a function is_accessible()
with the following code:
def is_accessible(self):
if (not login.current_user.is_active or not
return False
return True